Guitar lessons in Northampton

In person, one-to-one lessons for guitar and bass are available at Guitar School Northampton at various times 7 days a week. Our teaching studios offer a relaxed and comfortable learning experience and are fully equipped. All you’ll need to bring is your guitar and notes/tabs from previous lessons, we’ll provide the rest! We offer a free 30-minute starter session to all newcomers.
To ensure your experience of learning at the Guitar School Northampton is effective, we recommend that lessons are taken weekly or fortnightly on a regular day and time. We also run a monthly block booking system, with advanced payment.
We have a 48-hour notice policy on cancellations. Once a one-to-one lesson is booked, confirmed and paid for, we must have 48 hours notice on any cancellation in order to carry that same lesson over to another day and time.
Prices for one-to-one lessons in person
Guitar & Bass Tuition
30 mins £21.00
45 mins £29.00
60 mins £36.00
Shared lesson
Parent / children and siblings
60 mins £39.00

Since the Pandemic we have offered online guitar and bass tuition via Skype. Teaching online has made it possible for us to offer our services to students from Wiltshire, to Greece, the U.S.A. and as far as Australia. Learning online is an excellent option for anyone who wants to make the most of what Guitar School Northampton has to offer, but is too far away to get here. Lessons are available at various times 7 days a week. We offer a free 30-minute starter session to all new comers.
To ensure your experience of learning at the guitar school is effective, we recommend that lessons are taken weekly or fortnightly on a regular day and time. We also run a monthly block booking system, with advanced payment.
We have a 48-hour notice policy on cancellations. Once a one-to-one lesson is booked and confirmed, we must have 48 hours notice on any cancellation in order to carry that same lesson over to another day and time.
Prices for one-to-one lessons online
Guitar & Bass Tuition
30 mins £21.00
45 mins £29.00
60 mins £36.00
Shared lesson
Parent / children and siblings
60 mins £39.00

As an alternative to one to one lessons, we run band workshops on Monday evenings. These sessions enable our younger students to practice their skills and talents through playing with other like-minded musicians in a band setting. Students are given the chance to develop a repertoire of songs that are performed live two to three times a year. All bands will be given the opportunity to record a few songs every year so they can have a point of reference for their progression and have something to show for their hard work. We offer a free starter session to all new comers.
The band workshops are run weekly as 80 min sessions and work on a monthly block booking system, with advanced payment.
We have a 48-hour notice policy on cancellations. Once a place in a band session is booked and confirmed and paid for, we must have 48 hours notice on any cancellation in order to carry fee’s over.
We are currently seeking young singers, drummers and guitarists for our bands at The Guitar School. No previous experience is needed!!!
Below are some videos of our bands playing some classic covers.
Prices for Band Workshop
80 min sessions £17.50